3 Ways to WIN the Financial Game

The finance game is dangerous to play. For some it’s like playing Russian roulette – with every barrel loaded.
You’ll look at your bank account like it was a horror movie. You’ll watch bills mount up and pretend they don’t exist. And payday will become heart-breaking, as you witness every penny you’ve earned siphon out of your account and into the hands of villainous companies.
If your finances are safe, all this is just one path you’re in danger of travelling. Without the proper financial checks and balances in place, you could fall into the doldrums of debt quicker than a jet-powered Mo Farah can finish a half-marathon.
With that in mind we’ve come up with a few financial safeguards to keep you out of the line of fire.
A Certificate to Hold Onto
You might have believed your undergrad degree was the end of your educational career. But the truth is that you’ll flounder in the workplace if you don’t give yourself a broad range of qualifications.
Distance learning has proven to be a godsend for those looking to skyrocket up the career ladder. If you’re in a charitable position, for instance, a certificate in social enterprise can give you the extra skillset you need for absolute job security.
That’s only one example of many when it comes to distance learning. Find your ideal course and study as hard as you can for the qualification – it could be the move that saves your career.
Rev up Your Rating
Credit ratings are what get you a mortgage, help credit checks and make the banking world go round.
But an ace rating doesn’t come easy. To maintain a high mark, stay up to date with payments, keep your credit cards in check and build up proof that you can maintain your financial life.
Here’s a quick way to build up your rating – take out a credit card, make a small purchase from it and pay it back immediately. In one fell swoop, you’ll have proved yourself to be reliable. But if you can’t stand the credit heat, don’t consider that little bit of plastic at all.
Let’s Not Get Frivolous
Staying responsible with money is a bit like maintaining a diet in a chocolate factory – eventually you’ll crack and engorge yourself.
There are, however, numerous ways to curb trivial purchases.
Sick of buying so many CDs but don’t know how to stop? Invest in online parental security software and restrict sites like Amazon.
The fewer temptations you have in your midst, the better for your bank balance. Keep money-wasters away from you. You’ll enjoy a chorus of thanks from your cash flow.