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5 Things to Know Before Your PI Lawsuit

5 Things to Know Before Your PI Lawsuit

Being involved in a lawsuit can be difficult and stressful, especially if it’s due to a
personal injury. Your injury may have put you out of work or drastically changed the
quality of your life. Because of this, you’ll want to try to get a settlement.
If you don’t know much about the legal system, you’ll probably be feeling anxious
about your lawsuit. Here are some of the key things to know before you get started.


Law and money go hand in hand. If you’ve been injured and are out of work, you
might be worried about your expenses during the case before you hopefully get your
settlement. You still have mouths to feed and rent or a mortgage to pay. Luckily,
some organizations offer pre-settlement funding, which can help to pay for expenses
during the case. This money will (usually, depending on the company you use) then
be paid back from your settlement if you win. To see if you’re eligible, check out this
pre settlement funding information.

Getting a Lawyer

Finding a lawyer can be a scary thought for someone who’s never been involved in
legal proceedings. How do you get one? While there are several different methods,
most people ask for recommendations in their social circle. Your lawyer will be
fighting your corner, so you want to feel confident in their abilities. Always make sure
you meet a lawyer face to face before agreeing to anything. Your gut will tell you if
they are a good match.

Legal Jargon

You’ve probably watched enough courtroom dramas to know that a lot of legal jargon
is thrown around during a lawsuit. This can feel a little overwhelming and confusing
at times. So, do your research before the case and try to get an understanding of
some of the basics. If you aren’t sure, make notes and ask your lawyer afterwards.

What to Wear

Knowing what to wear to a lawsuit can be difficult. It shouldn’t be that much of a big
deal, yet the way we look is a big part of first impressions. If you look sloppy or too
casual people will assume you aren’t taking the case seriously. So, make an effort.
Think about what you might wear to a work meeting or a religious building. That
means smart shoes, well ironed clothes and nothing too revealing. While
appearances aren’t everything, courtrooms are traditional places and what you wear

Time Period

Before your case starts, you’re going to want to know how long it’s going to take.
Long cases can be difficult and stressful and you might need to arrange childcare or
time off work. Make sure you ask your lawyer for an estimate trial length, and
research familiar cases to see how they turned out.

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