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American Cancer Society Charity Drive Begins

American Cancer Society Charity Drive Begins

This is the time of year when giving is frequently on the mind, so why not add one more name to your list? Jim at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity came up with a great idea for an American Cancer Society charity drive fueled by bloggers and readers. Please check his post out, and consider participating.

I made my donation specific to lung cancer. It’s cancer that often has negative connotations since it frequently seems to correlate in people’s minds with smoking. But there are people out there that have never smoked a day in their life with lung cancer, and smokers or not, no one needs to deal with disapproval on top of trying to deal with a disease that is so often fatal. We all need help in one area or another at some point in our lives, and we can make a difference.

Donate to the American Cancer Society

View Comment (1)
  • Thank you for the reminder–

    I donated to the American Diabetes Association. As you know my daughter was dx at the age of 2 with type 1 diabetes, my brother also has type 1 diabetes, and my brother who passed away, had type 2.

    There are many worthy causes–the ADA provides MANY wonderful programs and I am happy to be able to support them in some small way.

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