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Avoid Retiring in these 5 Money-Grubbing States

Avoid Retiring in these 5 Money-Grubbing States


Are you finally ready to make the big move of shifting to a new city to spend your retirement years?

Moving to a new place to live a frugal life is a great idea. You want to live in a place which has low taxes, low expenses, warm weather, and friendly people. But there are some states in the United States which are just not right for a retired couple. Places like New York and Los Angeles might have the best opportunities for young people but they are debt-traps for the elderly.

Avoid Retiring in the Following Money-Grubbing States.

1. New York

There used to be a time when New York was considered one of the best states to retire in. But now it is nothing but a polluted and an over-populated city. There are more than 8 million people jammed into this city. The infrastructure has also begun to crumble as it was not built for such a large population.

Often, people hear from the news and media about how great New York is and get fascinated with the idea of retiring there. This is only a fallacy as New York is one of the most expensive places in the world. There is no way you can live here by spending less than 4 percent of your total saving in your first year of retirement.

2. Maryland

Maryland is one of the least tax-friendly states. Residents also have to pay a special tax of 1.75% in addition to the state income tax. Moreover, there is a 6 percent tax on every transaction you make. Cities like Baltimore are also considered unhygienic and unclean.

According to Numbeo, a single person living in Baltimore has to spend $937.36 per month. It also ranks 54th in the list of worlds most expensive places to live. Do not get swayed by attractions like Fells Point and Inner Harbor. They might look great but they falsely represent the state of other places in Maryland.

3. Connecticut

Connecticut is more tax-friendly as far as shopping is concerned as there are no local sales taxes levied on the residents. But when it comes to real estate, Connecticut has one of the highest property taxes (2.02%) in the entire nation. Moreover, you will also face difficulty in finding part-time jobs here as the state has a negative economic outlook. 

4. Rhode Island

Rhode Islanders are labeled as some of the worst drivers in the nation. I don’t think you as retiree would want to deal with a road accident in your advanced age, let alone the hospital bills. When it comes to living expenses, a one-bedroom apartment (in Providence) will cost you $1,361.11 per month in rent.

5. Vermont

A meal for two in an average Vermont restaurant will cost you around $60. Living in Vermont is alsochallenging as the winters are a nightmare. Although the temperatures are falling as they used to, you might still want to stay away from this northern state. Finally, Vermont is not very friendly for the business people. According to a report by CNN, businesses have to pay corporate taxes of 8.5% rate for any profit made above $25,000.


The above post is based on stats provided by websites like Numbeo, CNN, and Kiplinger. The main factors that influence your decision to move to a new place are state taxation, infrastructure, cost of living, public transport, and population. Do not move to a new place without doing adequate research about it. Also, don’t forget to interview other retirees who have been staying in your desired city for awhile. First-hand experiences are always worth more than stats and info-graphics. 

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