Changes Are a Comin’
September 26, 2009
I only received one suggestion for a new blog name (thank you Shonda) in my little contest, so I won’t be awarding the prize. (Although I may do a “just because” giveaway later.)
But after a huge brainstorming session last weekend I think that I’ve come up with a new name for the blog. I’ll be announcing it shortly, once I get the details of exactly how the change will work nailed down.
So expect updates as things progress. Meanwhile, how about a few links?
Man vs. Debt celebrates his 6 month blogging milestone with a great post about how NOT to suck at blogging. (Congrats!)
Fiscal Fizzle lists 15 signs you’re in financial denial.
Studenomics talks about a biggie: overcoming fear of failure
Financial Methods makes a water map of finance.