Charity spotlight
NCN over at No Credit Needed is asking people to write about their favorite charities for his charity spotlight series. What’s your favorite charity? Hop on over and let him know.
One that I like is Australian-based Aliamos. What I like most about it are the following items:
– People can CHOOSE to donate money or time to a specific environmentally responsible and socially just project.
– 100% of a donation for that project will go to the local community with 0% being used on administration.
– The projects will be designed to EMPOWER the developing communities to improve their own livelihood.
How many other charities do you know of that allow you to direct 100% of your donation to the projects themselves, not administrative costs? (I imagine you can allow some to be used for administrative costs as well, but you don’t have to.) Aliamos is focused on their Growing Futures Uganda project right now, which you can read about here and here.