Good news bad news
First the good news. I’m super happy that my subscriber numbers for the site are hovering around the 470ish mark. But I’d love to see them go over 500! So if you know anyone who might like my site, would you please pass along the link? I’d really appreciate it :)
And now the bad news: My husband got laid off from his work. The first thing he said to me (after telling me the news) was that he’s glad about the emergency fund. He just didn’t want to use it so soon. He is really working hard at pounding the pavement, so hopefully he will find something new quickly.
Finally, here is a little reading from this past week:
Four Pillars explains the COBRA insurance subsidy details. This is a GREAT change.
Practicing Thrift suggests holding a swap party.
The Abundance Blog tells a time management secret: do it tomorrow.
The Writer’s Coin tells how being boring saved him $2,000.
MoneyNing writes about the stress of having a supersized lifestyle.
Finally, the Personal Financier uses the lottery as a case study of behavioral finance in everyday life.
Thanks for the shout out! Good luck to your husband…and god bless the emergency fund!
Congrats on your blog success and my thoughts are with you and your husband.
Sorry to hear about the layoff, best of luck finding a new job! In fact, I hope he likes the new job even better.