How Businesses Can Convert Online Traffic Into Sales
Of course, businesses want leads to click on their online content. Indeed, all signs of engagement like clicks, likes, shares, subscriptions, comments, questions, and phone calls are welcome indications that your content is performing well. On the other hand, none of those actions listed above will improve a company’s bottom line by even a single dollar. At the end of the day, the name of the game is sales –– and if your website isn’t helping your sales team close deals –– then something is very wrong with your customer-acquisition strategy. Here then is a quick guide that can help you align your marketing and sales efforts and allow you to convert more online traffic into sales:
Write In-Depth Content
Most business blogs focus on answering elementary questions and explain how their products or services function on a cursory level. And while there’s nothing wrong with writing content for visitors who are unfamiliar with your business –– it probably won’t help you capture your most qualified leads’ attention. With that in mind, it’s typically a wise play to integrate more nuanced blog topics into your regular rotation. For every blog a marketer writes about the basics of lab equipment –– for instance –– they can afford to create another detailing the specific benefits of a polypropylene 96 well plate. In this way, companies can ensure that their content addresses all aspects of the customer journey –– including the lucrative, bottom-of-the-funnel opportunities.
Encourage Marketing/Sales Collaboration
Naturally, letting your sales and marketing staff address and solve problems together should eliminate any discrepancies between marketing content and sales objectives. What’s more, when these branches begin to work together, they can begin to explore new avenues that can help your business expand and reach new customers.
Follow Up
Leads take time out of their day to visit professional websites and follow brands across social-media platforms all the time. However, businesses rarely return the favor and attempt to engage with leads on a personal level. Writing lead-specific messages and nurturing existing leads with helpful content will boost conversion rates and improve your company’s reputation among your consumer base in one fell swoop.
Appropriate Landing Pages
Getting a lead to click on a digital advertisement or social-media post is an awesome achievement. Don’t let an unsatisfactory landing page undermine your good work. Sending consumers to your home page or to landing pages that don’t deliver on the promise made by an advertisement will leave potential customers confused or disappointed. Happily, by amending your landing pages to sync up with your other content will likely contribute to higher conversion rates.