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How Can Online Counseling Change My Life?

How Can Online Counseling Change My Life?

online counseling

Online counseling has been a bit controversial recently, with some claiming that it just isn’t as good as going to a counselor’s office in person. Yes, visiting a counselor in person can have many benefits, but more people are also seeing the benefits that can come by speaking to a BetterHelp counselor online. Here are some reasons how online counseling can be lifesaving.

It Works On Your Schedule

People, especially younger adults, have a tight schedule. Work, home life, social life… it doesn’t seem like there is enough time to go with a limited counselor’s schedule. With online counseling,the schedule is much more open. You can fit your sessions within your schedule,whether you’re a night owl or an early riser.

It Can Change The Lives of Those Who Have Disabilities

Not everyone can physically be there for a counselor. Some people have disabilities, be it physical or mental, that prevent them from going outside. This often means they need mental health treatment more than ever, but they cannot go to an office.

Online counseling helps them speak to a counselor in the comfort of their own home. If they can’t leave their home because of a phobia, a counselor can help them conquer that fear. If it’s due to a disability, a counselor can teach them how they can live on their disability.

You Feel More Like Yourself

While you’re in a counselor’s office, there are many reasons why you may change your attitude. The cold office can feel unwelcome. You may worry that others can hear you. You may not be yourself while in the office, and this doesn’t help the counselor.

When you’re at home, you may act more like yourself. Plus, the counselor can look in your room and learn more about you.This can help both parties out in reaching their goals. For you, you can get treatment better, and for the counselor, they can learn more about you.

Immediate Help in a Time of Crisis

When you’re having a depressive episode or a fight with a family member, a counselor online can be there immediately to help you out. They can help deescalate a fight or help you calm yourself down when your anxiety is high. While some traditional counselors are available after hours, you can get luckier with online counseling.

Changing Counselors is Easy

With online counseling, you can try a few counselors at once. A counselor may be good at their job, but they may not be the best fit for you. If you feel like you need a counselor more suitable for yourself, or if the counselor is making you feel uncomfortable, it’s easier to switch and try someone new.

Online counseling will grow as technology becomes better than the field becomes more established. Even now, however,online counseling can be a lifesaver. If you tried traditional counseling and it didn’t fit your life, give online counseling a try. You may be glad you did.

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