How to Wake Up Early

Waking up early in the morning is one of the most common challenges the millennial generation faces. The morning alarms are our enemies and nothing seems to pull us out of our beds, not even the brightest of mornings. Well, turns out, waking up early in the morning isn’t very difficult. You just need to follow some tips that will help you grow into an early riser from a late-night owl. Below are some tips to becoming a morning person:
(1) What you really have to do is to manipulate the environment around you – make some changes in your bedroom. Make sure you block all sources of light when you sleep – even the TV. People who have difficulties sleeping can get distracted by even the tiniest of light sources.
(2) The second most important thing to do is to stop using any of your gadgets before you go to sleep – you have to kick the habit of checking your phone and computer before you sleep. Keep everything away for at least 2 hours before you go to sleep – laptops, phones, TV, and the like. The blue light from these screens tends to effect the human body’s Melatonin levels, a hormone that controls your sleep cycle.
(3) If you want to read a book, don’t read it on your phone or on a kindle. Read an actual book.
(4) Your eating pattern also has a major effect on your sleep cycle – it is advisable to eat a big lunch, keeping breakfast and dinner slightly lighter.
(5) It is also advisable to wake up to a bright sunny room. The sunlight will decrease your grogginess and will make you feel a little more alert when you wake up.
(6) If you have a habit of turning off the alarm when it sounds, sometimes without even realizing that you are turning it off, you might want to put that alarm across the room. So every time your alarm goes off, you have to actually get up out of your bed to turn it off. This way the odds are that you don’t actually go back to sleep and wake up to the big bright day.
(7) Drink a glass of water as soon as you get up. Some people prefer having a cup of coffee instead. But, nevertheless, both these drinks will make you feel a little more energetic.