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Long-Term Investment Strategies with Forex Trading

Long-Term Investment Strategies with Forex Trading

The sheer size and liquidity of the Forex markets have given rise to the popularity of short-term trading positions. Although this is always a great methodology for those who hope to accrue profits on a daily basis, such an approach is not without its fair share of risks. An example here can be leveraging a currency pair only to discover that it has moved in an unexpected direction. Those who are seeking a more conservative and predictable stance could therefore benefit from a long-term strategy. Let us examine some key factors that should be addressed in order to maximize financial returns.


Monthly and Yearly Charts

Many professional investors will stress observing the “big picture” as opposed to a single trading day. For example, a one-year chart illustrates that the dollar has significantly strengthened in relation to the euro. This same observation could be difficult to discern by viewing daily or weekly figures alone. Such an approach is equally beneficial in terms of commodities and equities in general.


Interest Rates

As demonstrated by the recent action of the United States Federal Reserve, interest rates have a very real impact upon the Forex market. Those who intend to hold currency pairs for multiple days or weeks will notice a phenomenon known as roll-over. In the simplest of terms, a roll-over equates to a trader either gaining or losing money through a fluctuation in interest rates. It should be obvious that the longer a position is held, the more pronounced this roll-over could become. Keenly following predominant interest rates is therefore a critical approach to adopt.


An Eye on the Fundamentals

The same principle in reference to interest rates should be taken into account when referring to market fundamentals. There are several different areas which comprise a thorough fundamental outlook. Some examples here will include:


  • Employment data.
  • The state of neighboring economies.
  • Growth forecasts.
  • The CPI of the relevant market or region.


Without an understanding of these fundamentals, any long-term Forex trading strategy will be inherently flawed. Learning such factors will normally take a considerable amount of time, patience and experience.


Putting it All Together

These are some of the main variables which can be seen to represent the “big picture” in terms of longitudinal Forex trading. Above all, any successful trader will attest to the fact that the electronic platform used to execute a position is a final important part of this equation. CMC Markets is a leader within the Forex trading industry and its software is easily able to accommodate those who are seeking to exploit a long-term strategy.


Whether one is hoping to avoid any perceived volatility with the use of a long-term approach or a new investor is wary of becoming involved with short-term fluctuations, such strategies will all come in very handy. Sustainable wealth can become a reality with the help of these suggestions and through the use of an efficient online trading platform.

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