Save Money: Backup Your Hard Drives
Backing up important files is something many of us tend to put off until it’s too late. It’s one of those boring things that we all know we should do, but that somehow just doesn’t seem to get done.
However, there’s nothing quite like that sickening feeling you get when your hard drive makes that clunking sound, and you realize that you’ve just lost an entire year’s worth of financial transactions in Quicken. Backing up the important files on your hard drive can mean the difference between “oh well, at least I have another copy” and a frantic search for a recovery service that charges less than $300 to even consider taking a look. (A quick search for “data recovery” revealed about 98,400,000 results — clearly, this is big business.)
You should have two backups: one that’s easily accessible and on-site so that you can make a quick recovery, and one that is off-site (in case of fire, theft, flood, etc.) For on-site backups, I use DVDs and CDs. For off-site backups, a friend told us about a backup service called Mozy.
Mozy gives you 2GB of free off-site backup space, which is probably more than enough for your most important files. You specify which folders or files you want to backup, click Start, and away it goes. Very handy, and potentially money-saving as well.