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Speaking of insurance…

Speaking of insurance…

According to its web page, the MIB Group is “a membership corporation owned by approximately 470 member insurance companies in the US and Canada. Organized in 1902, MIB’s core fraud protection services protect insurers, policyholders and applicants from attempts to conceal or omit information material to the sound and equitable underwriting of life, health, disability income, critical illness and long-term care insurance.”

Why does this matter to you?

Basically, if you are from the U.S. or Canada and have applied for life, health, or disability insurance within the past 7 years, chances are the the MIB Group has a file on you.

I don’t know about you, but I always like to know what information has been gathered about me and who has been gathering it. That way if there are any errors in the information, I have an opportunity to correct them. I imagine that an error in an insurance-related file could be costly.

You can find out how to request your record (for free) by going to their web site. They also offer a paid service that allows you to look for lost life insurance policies.

View Comment (1)
  • It’s great information. You don’t want insurance companies to have incorrect information about you – especially when it comes to paying or denying a claim. You never want the wrong information to lead to a denial of payment.

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