Stop Reading and Start Doing
It’s natural (and even wise) to do some research when you first look at making changes in your life, starting something new, or making plans for the future.
But there comes a point where you just have to stop reading and start doing. Chances are you already know what it is that you need to do. You probably also have the skills to do it, whether you believe it or not.
So now it’s time to do it.
Yeah, I’m talking to myself here.
Enough is enough already.
So, if you find yourself suddenly “needing” to check out another book, read another article, clean the house, clear off your desk, go through a stack of papers that you’ve happily ignored for months, check out Facebook or play yet another game of Bejeweled, just stop.
Do what’s really important instead.
And then keep going. See it through to the end. See where it really does lead you. You might be pleasantly surprised.
Boy, this really hits home with me right now. I’ve been in a funk, and I can’t seem to get out of it. I want to do everything except what I need to do to get ahead. Very timely post – thanks.
Glad you found it helpful :)
How true. I agonized for months before starting my blog, because I wanted everything to look professional and perfect. There is no perfect. I’m glad that I finally just took the leap and started writing.