Subscriptions and Other Site Tweaks
February 9, 2007
First, I’d like to encourage you to subscribe to Blunt Money if you’re interested in viewing it as a reader. (Yes, I finally got set up with FeedBurner.)
Second, I’ve made a few changes to the site and would like your opinion. I changed things to a three-column layout, and have been experimenting with the order & content in the left and right columns. What is most helpful for you to see when you go to a site? (Search, categories, etc?) Any input would be appreciated :)
I like it! I read blogs via a feedreader so I like it when the button for RSS is easy to find on a page, which yours is, so that’s awesome. Usually if I click through from my reader, I’m looking for categories or archives, so if it were me I would put the archives right below the categories, but it looks really good as is. Nice clean layout.
I like it as well. The only thing I can suggest trying is maybe have the background for the sidebars just a slight hint of gray to make the main content stand out a little more.
Thanks for the input. I moved the archives up a little.