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Taking Control of Your Spending

Taking Control of Your Spending

What happens if you know you need to pay off the debt that has accumulated through overspending, but you’re facing a lack of self-control? First, recognize that at least you’re ahead of those that are just ignoring their debt. You’ve also identified one aspect that is holding you back. Awareness is the first step, so you’re moving in the right direction.

Next, look for spending patterns. Track everything! If you’re anything like me, you’ll want to keep track of money won/lost with betting. I like going to horse races, for instance. Use a tool like Bet Bind to make it easy on yourself. Track all your spending and identify any spots that need to be mended. If you’ve got old credit & debit card statements – good. Go over them and look for any outrageous purchases you’ve made. Hang them on your fridge to remind yourself not to do them again.

There could be any number of reasons for over-spending. Figure out what’s really behind your spending, and what’s happening in your life on those days.

For example, do you tend to run short of money a few days before payday? Do you get paid and live high for a while, and then limp along on the remaining days? Or do you splurge on clothes at regular intervals? Do you shop because you’re bored? Eat out because you’re lonely? Buy expensive gizmos because your friends all have them? Are you afraid to know the state of your finances? Fix the real issue behind the symptom, and the symptoms will disappear.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you need to wait for therapy, new friends, or months of introspection before taking immediate steps to stop the overspending. Pick one item that you want to focus on, and change the pattern one day at a time. If your vice is overspending on food & drink, look at your behaviors in that area. If you normally stop off at the Olive Garden because you drive right by it once a week, take a different route home instead. Although you may usually eat out for breakfast, lunch and dinner, focus at first on eating at least one meal a day at home. If you drink too many pops or cups of coffee, replace every other one with a glass of water. When you feel comfortable with that, move on to the next small change until you find yourself entirely where you want to be.

Self-control is something that we all learn over time. It’s not something any of us are born with, and we all have the power to change both our actions and how we feel about things. Start small, and the rest will follow.

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