Transit passes
We are lucky enough to live in a city that offers free transit passes to youth. So I dragged my son down to the office to get his pass. The pass will allow him to ride any bus in the metropolitan area (plus the train once it gets going) for free for an entire year.
I’m not sure why he wasn’t thrilled with the idea (maybe because we live so close to most things anyway that he can just walk) but I feel better having gotten that done. That way if he needs to go somewhere on the bus, he can get there for free.
Many cities offer freebies (whether transit related or not) to their residents. Sometimes the offers are reserved for youth, students of all ages, or retirees, but they’re always worth checking into. Occasionally they are for anyone who asks. You can call up your city, check their web site for information, or check their newsletter regularly if they send one out. Some cities also have email lists or RSS feeds you can join. (Which is how my husband found out about the transit pass deal.)